MEDITATION (2002-2003)

Blue Black

Dec 2002
Oil on Canvas (100.6 x 100.2 cm)

Large Red

April 2003
Mixed media (239.3 x 170.3 cm)

I started the painting 'Blue Black', which was inspired by the writings of the spiritual teacher from India called Osho.  He says:

"There are two planes in you: the plane of the mind, and the plane of no-mind. Or...the plane when you are on the periphery of your being and the plane when you are at the centre of your being." Osho 1995

At this time I was struggling to express this place of stillness beyond the plane of the mind.  How could I paint no-thing, of no form but still paint something.  I tried to capture a sense of a world slightly removed from the one that is familiar to us.


The 'Large Red' painting was another work in this series expressing similar ideas.  A painting emerged that was still, dark and silent but beneath the surface; ephemeral organic cell like shapes merged to form a backbone structure that supported the whole.

Luminesce SOLD

Sept 2003
Acrylic on Canvas (169.7 x 105.5 cm)

Red Blue

April 2003
Oil on Canvas (167.7 x 103.4 cm)

With these two 'Luminesce' and 'Red Blue' paintings I wanted to capture a state of flux, transition and express ideas of polarity and duality.  I used thin washes of light blue paint reflecting a light element and sense of air, this contrasts with the deep alizarin crimson to give an opposing polar element.